Safe Play

Leeds Golf Centre Latest Guidelines
Latest Government Update
We will be following all Government advice and implementing the Safe Play guidelines issued by England Golf.
In order to help you plan and prepare for your visit, we wanted to outline the practices in place when we re-open. We ask both our members and visitors to be respectful, diligent and mindful of the precautions and measures we have in place.
General conditions:
• All social distancing measures and restrictions remain in place.
• Hand sanitising stations will be available – please ensure you make use of them.
• We will be a cashless golf club so we encourage you to book and pay for your golf tee times on our website. You can pay by contactless payment in the clubhouse if required.
• Masks must be worn within the building.
• Golfers showing any signs of illness should not come to the golf course.
Play conditions:
• Everyone must check in for tee times, one member of your tee time can do this.
• With our tee times reduced to 7/8 minutes please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your tee time to reduce the number of people gathering. Please also leave the club after your round of golf to minimise the risk of groups gathering in front of the clubhouse or in the car park.
• Do not exchange scorecards
• Always keep 2 metres apart, particularly when on the greens and tees.
• Winter wheels policy has now been lifted.
• Flagsticks must not be touched and remain in the hole at all times.
• Golfers must not touch the equipment or golf balls of other players.
• There will be no rakes in the bunkers – please play preferred lies.
• If the ball is lost or unplayable, golfers must not come back to play another ball.
Halfway House:
• Dave will be re-opening the halfway house but this will strictly be for takeaways only.
Wike Ridge Inn:
• Wike Ridge Inn remains closed due to Government restrictions in place.
Driving range:
• A one way system will be implemented in order to ensure we respect self distancing rules.
• Social distance between players must be maintained.
• Wipes will be provided – please ensure you thoroughly wipe all screens before and after use.
• You must use your own clubs – no rental clubs will be available until further notice.
• Baskets will be disinfected and cleaned regularly by our team.
Pro Shop:
• The Pro Shop will be open for check in and for click and collect only. Browsing of shop items isn’t permitted until 12th April.
Playing competitive golf:
• We are proud of the comprehensive range of competitions we run including individual, pairs, teams and mixed events and all can be seen in the diary on the club website. These competitions are organised by a team of volunteers from our men and lady members.
• To play in these events you do need an official handicap and if you are one of our members just playing socially, it is easy to obtain one. You just need to submit 3 cards authorised by a member with a handicap and then you will be free to compete. For further details ask in the shop or check the noticeboard for a copy of the form you need to fill in.
• We normally have an AGM about now to elect the committee members and appoint the club captains for the next year. This has been done by email again this year. As I did not get chance at the AGM to speak, I would like to thank all the volunteers for their efforts over the last 12 months. I would especially like to pick out those who put in a lot of effort in implementing the new World Handicap System in November.
• The two captains for this coming year are Mike Ashurst and Enid Gott and I wish them well and hope we can complete a full programme of events.
• I would also like to thank David Heddon and Chris Lawrence who are stepping down from roles on the Men’s Committee. David has been involved with the Vets for the last 19 years with 7 years on the men’s committee.
• If anyone wants further information on handicaps or competitions or our various teams that play in local leagues you can send any query to
We thank you in advance for your co-operation