Top tips for playing golf in winter

Winter is a pretty special time of year in England. However, the beautiful crisp mornings and the exciting build up to the festive season can sometimes be overshadowed by the chilly weather and the darker, shorter days. For golfers it is often a time of year where they don’t get a chance to get out on the golf course as much as they would have done over the summer months. However, here at Leeds Golf Centre, we believe that winter doesn’t have to mean the end of your golfing season. We’ve pulled together our top tips to ensure you can continue to play your golf at your favourite golf course in Leeds!
The weather has certainly changed and it often means that we wake to a chilly, dewy start to the day. Unfortunately, the weather often doesn’t warm up throughout the day. This doesn’t mean you need to put your golf on hold – just wrap up warm! Our Pro Shop is one of the largest golf shops within a golf club in Yorkshire. Pop in and browse the selection of golf attire – we’ve not only a huge range of men’s golf clothing but also junior clothing and a vast range of ladies golf clothes.
At any time of year, it is imperative to warm up before commencing to play the sport you love but in winter it really is essential. We recommend that you warm up by doing lots of stretches and exercises to get your muscles warmed up before heading out to play golf. Primarily, this helps to avoid unnecessary injuries – but it’s also vitally important for performing at the same high standard you would normally expect. At our golf club in Leeds, our team of professional golfers would be more than happy to offer advice to golfers – the golf club are here to help!
As we offer two golf courses at Leeds Golf Centre, you can have the choice of playing our 18 hole Wike Ridge course or our shorter PAR3 course, The Oaks – ideal for squeezing in a shorter round after work or school before the dark evenings set in. You can get round all 12 holes in about an hour/hour and a half – perfect for winter golf! Visit our website to pre-book your tee time!
People often say that golf is a mental and psychological sport and therefore positive thinking is critical when it comes to playing golf. Let us help you to keep those positive thoughts flowing throughout your game of golf….. Recall a time when you were playing really well, whether a particular day, hole or shot. See yourself there. Notice all that you could see. What sounds were there? How did it feel? Put yourself in that position and feel the positive vibes!
Shorter days, long working hours and lots of family commitments often mean that golfers struggle to fit in 18 holes of golf during the autumn and winter months. By playing frequent shorter rounds – perhaps nine holes at a time, will ensure you’re getting the time to keep your game in shape. At Leeds Golf Centre, there are a couple of other facilities which will help to keep your golf ticking over – head down to the floodlit, covered driving range which has the latest Toptracer technology installed or head out on the Par3, 12 hole The Oaks course for a much shorter round of golf during the winter months.
Visit the Wike Ridge Inn at Leeds Golf Centre and enjoy light refreshments, perhaps a warming mug of coffee or delicious soup and a sandwich after your round out on the course.
Use this time to focus on areas that you need to improve on. Book a lesson with one of our talented PGA golf coaches and take advantage of the latest golf technology on offer at Leeds Golf Centre to help improve your game including Sam Putt and Balance Lab and Trackman.
There is no need to stop playing your favourite sport during the cold season.,, Leeds Golf Centre has superb under-one-roof facilities allowing golfers to enjoy playing golf all year round.
To enquire about playing winter golf in Leeds;
visit our website,
call us on 0113 288 6000 or email